Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Timelessness of great Music

This was a special Mother's Day morning for this father, and neither of my children were directly involved. Our choir sang, "Because He Lives," this morning at our classic praise service. This service is for those who prefer traditional church music to the more contemporary ones, so as you might expect, the average age of the crowd was in their 60s or perhaps 70s. I have a new friend in her early 30s who was raised in the church, and when we were talking about the song last week, she said she would come to listen. Her name is Sarah, and her mom is in the choir also.

We started rehearsing about 8:30, and a few ladies arrived early, listened to us rehearse, and before long were mouthing the familiar words with us. Sarah arrived, we chatted awhile about the Angels (she likes) and Red Sox (she and mom don't like), and then the service began. While I don't attend this service normally, liking the energy of the contemporary service, I enjoyed the memories brought back by such songs as "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms," "The Church's One Foundation," and "Near the Cross."

Then it was our turn to sing the great arrangement of this great song. I made the mistake of glancing over at Sarah and almost was not able to sing any more as I saw her brushing back the tears from her face. When you sing one of the great old songs you expect emotion from the senior citizens, but here was the youngest (nearly) person in the room overwhelmed by the message of the song. I expect it brought back memories of sitting in church during her childhood--maybe against her will. Perhaps she was thinking about facing her tomorrows despite some not-so-great yesterdays, because Jesus lives in her. If her Mom happened to glance over at her during the song I suspect nothing else needed to happen for this to be a great Mothers Day for her. Her child can face uncertain days because He lives.

I had a great time with Tim and Anne yesterday. We went to lunch and then saw "Star Trek"--which I enjoyed more than I expected. We're about to leave for Mothers Day brunch with Jen and Jeff and the girls and Jeff's family. That's going to be great also. Jan and I are going to Home Depot on Mother's Day to find flowers to plant in front of our house, and I will enjoy that time together, too. But this father has already had a blessed day that is set aside to honor mothers, inspired by the joy on the face of a child that is not my own. Such is the family of God.

Because He lives

I can face tomorrow.

Because He lives

All fear is gone.

Because I know

who holds the future.

And life is worth the living

just because He Lives.


  1. Nice comments, Coach. I too attend a contemporary service. While I love, love, LOVE our church I often miss those old hymns. Our band kicked the morning off with a rockin' version of How Great Is Our God which morphed into an acapella (spelling?) version of How Great Thou Art. Wow! The entire church was on their feet praising God and raising their hands in worship. I was sobbing. I don't know what those guys had for breakfast this morning but their music was amazing.

  2. I also like the classics. There is something about them that just move me a bit more than the contemporary stuff. And I am a 30 somthin'!

    And yes, acapella is spelled right...

  3. Hands down - my favorite hymn of all time.

    I wish I could have heard the choir sing it. I'm sure that it was beautiful!
