Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jon & Kate--Who cares?

I don't watch a lot of reality TV. Other than "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" the reality shows hold no interest for me at all. When I watch EMHE I know I'm going to get a happy ending. Call me shallow, but I don't need to watch what often is a look into other people's misery. Or infidelity. Or ruthlessness. Or arrests. My friend Kristi just blogged on the apparently impending demise of the marriage of Jon and Kate, another show I don't watch and could tell you nothing about. Apparently they are putting their kids in front of each other, and that is a recipe for disaster. I have been guilty over the years a few times of putting my relationship with Jen and Tim before my relationship with Jan, always with disastrous results. Even worse were the times I put other people's children (0ften my athletes) in front of all 3. Someone very smart once said, "The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." So that's what I try to do.
In addition to the things Kristi pointed out, one other truth seems evident to me--marriages were not meant to be lived in the spotlight. That's not exactly a "stop the presses" revelation. But here are these two seemingly nice people, who have children they love, all the money they need, a new house and yet it's not working. I think of the young couples I have gotten to know in our church, all of whom are missing at least one of the things J & K have. Their history includes houses they can't sell, foreclosures, living from paycheck to paycheck, job-induced separation, and unanswered prayers to start a family. What DO they have that J & K don't have? An obvious and unashamed desire to be with each other. When they are separated, their FB posts are full of "waiting for him/her to get home." They look forward to being reunited. Homes like J & K look forward to separation.
Here's a challenge--name a successful marriage that includes one or both spouses frequently on the cover of tabloids. If Jan and I have a disagreement, the chances of resolution increase exponentially with the number of people who know about it. Every time we have sought 3rd-party counseling--including pastors--more problems were created than solved. In "The American President" the climactic scene includes Andrew Shepherd (Michael Douglas) saying, "America isn't easy." My paraphrase would be either, "Marriage isn't easy,", or, better yet, "Without God, marriage is impossible." He's the only 3rd party that has worked for us.
So, my unsolicited advice to Jon & Kate? Kick the cameras out of the house. Return your marriage to a relationship, not a performance. At that point, whether your marriage makes it or fails is nobody else's business. Certainly not mine.
(Thanks to KT for triggering this pontification. Heidi, it's the best I got right now!)


  1. Beautifully said, Rick. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to have my life televised for everyone to watch and then levy their judgement. I hope they are able to work it out.


    Last night they showed the paparazzi following them around. She opened the door to the van to let the girls out and literally told her kids to be quiet and not say whatever they were going to say cause she didn't want the papz to hear.

    That is NO WAY TO LIVE A LIFE. It's different if you are an actor/musician...and the papz follow you . But she willingly signed up for this...she asked for it...and it has ruined their lives.

    Say good bye to the cameras and get your life BACK TOGETHER.

    The end. I am now stepping down from my soap box.

  3. Exactly. It's sad that they are Christians and have not learned the pecking order: God, Spouse, Children, for success. Unfortunately, Kate has gotten fame happy and sees the show as her only means of maintaining her current lifestyle. If she quit the filming, and she and hubby went back to Nursing and Computer Tech work, they couldn't afford the new million dollar home, or get all the freebies from resorts, talk shows, etc. Even if they stop filming though, they, and even more tragically, their children, will never be free of the paparazzi they invited in. Kate is married to her fame now and won't give it up, even for her husband, whom she just renewed vows with in the recent past. They say they are doing it for the children, but it's the children it is hurting.
