Tuesday, July 21, 2009

That's Gotta Hurt

Love listening to the gkids watch TV when they can do it without fighting. We had them for a couple of hours this morning while Jen was at cheer practice. Disney channel was showing the Kurt Russell movie, "Sky High" so they had it on. Now when it first came out in the theatre, they had to leave early because Jolie just got too scared to finish it.
This time they were cackling all the way through it. The capper came with about 2o minutes to go there was some kind of spectacular crash and a giggling Jolie said, "Wow, that's gotta hurt!"
Yep, growing up.


  1. So much fun to watch them grow up.

    It will be happy day indeed when the Goble household watches its last episode of Dora the Explorer...

    It's fun to watch movies with Hope now because she's willing to watch more than just animated stuff. Sadly - that has also spilled over into her TV watching.

    Personally I will miss watching the Berenstein Bears; a fact that's made more painful by the fact that I'm now watching Full House instead.

    You can only hear "You got it Dude" so many times without losing your mind...

  2. What's also funny is that Jolie is 9 and couldn't be bothered with turning on the remote herself. Almost-6 Jeslyn doesn't bother asking me to do it any more, doing it herself. Fortunately, they like pretty much the same shows, and I have "listened" to some Suite Life and Hannah Montana episodes at least 4 times. I'm also not one of those "Harry Potter is Satanic" people, but I'm having a bit of trouble with the upcoming 4-part "blood-sucking" (their words, not mine) Wizards vs Vampires series.
