Tuesday, July 7, 2009

"Don't Let the Door Hit You...."

By now you know how excited I am to be retired. You may have read some posts from kids who enjoyed being my students and apparently will miss me. Well, I found out yesterday that my district is apparently as happy as I am about my retirement. I knew they would be happy about the money they are saving--they could hire two new teachers for what they were paying me. But they apparently would not be upset if I did not come back in any capacity. Here's the scenario: I have had some colleagues tell me I should sub and they would definitely ask for me if I were on the list of possible subs. I didn't really want to sub next year for a couple of reasons, first because I just would like a full year off, and second because our district has about 75 recently laid off teachers who are a priority on the sub list, as they should be.
But, I was considering at least being on the list if it meant that as a recently retired employee I would have some paperwork advantages--mainly that I could go straight on the list while they still had my employment info, bypassing the paperwork such as transcripts, C-Best test results, fingerprints, etc. When I checked at Personnel yesterday, I was told that as of July 1 I was no longer a district employee, which means if I want to apply to sub I have to go through the same procedure as a first-time employee. That assumes they are taking applications for new subs, which they aren't.
Now, granted, I didn't really want to work next year, anyway. But, it was kind of a jolt to realize that after 36 years, I was basically a non-entity. They weren't singling me out, of course, though perhaps they know how much I am like the guy in the cartoon below.

And now I have finally have something in common with the guy to the right.

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